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The mission of Theology by the Pint is to engage young adults in robust but winsome discussion about spiritual ideas in a way that displays Christian charity while being true to the authority of Scripture.  All while enjoying community and craft beer.



  • Provide a space for people from every worldview to come together to discuss and wrestle with interesting and relevant topics.

  • Provide a platform for social and professional networking among young adults in Houston.

  • Demonstrate how Christians can charitably disagree with one another, and in doing so, give a winsome witness to our faith.

  • Be the approachable believers to a post-Christian culture.

  • Invite young adults to engage further with spiritual ideas and discussions at the various churches represented.

  • Present, unashamedly, the good news of the saving truth of Jesus Christ.



God created the world to be good and delighted in his good creation. But through human rebellion, sin entered the world.

All people have rebelled and committed cosmic treason against a holy God, our creator.  God’s righteous nature requires justice, and therefore punishment, for wrongdoing.  And we have all done wrong (sinned).  The penalty for sin is death and separation from God.  That’s the bad news.

The Gospel is the good news that God desires for us to be rescued from that punishment, so he came in the person of Jesus Christ, suffered on our behalf, and paid the penalty of sin.  In other words, as a righteous judge, God passed the sentence, but then stepped in to pay the fine, so that we could go free.  In living a sinless life, dying, and rising from the dead, Jesus defeated death and all evil.  All who call upon his name will be saved. 

Jesus reigns as King and is working to put the world back the way it was always meant to be – a place marked by peace, purpose, love, justice, goodness, and wholeness.  He invites us to partner with him in the restoring of the world by trusting in him and giving our whole selves to follow him.  As children of God, we experience peace and hope in this life, and look forward to a restored, perfect creation to come.