Sarah Stone

My Faith Story: The daughter of a Presbyterian pastor, I was probably destined to be on “Team Jesus.” I grew up in the church and believed God was real and trustworthy. In college, I found myself hanging out with the Baptists and feeling close to God. I went on to seminary to get my MA in Counseling and found myself fascinated by the cerebral side of faith and theology. College fed my heart, Grad School fed my brain, but it wasn’t until a season of deep suffering that I was forced to really wrestle with my faith, question it all, and by God’s grace, come “home” to the full knowledge of God’s unending love and pursuit of me.

My Ministry: I love “fringies.” Fringies are those on the edge of faith - atheists, agnostics, skeptics, people who have been hurt by the church, spiritually curious, and new believers. In addition to running Theology by the Pint, I host events and engage one-on-one with anyone who wants to explore what it means to follow Christ. I teach a women’s Bible study, facilitate a discussion group for non-Christians called “Conversations,” and host regular dinner parties with intentional conversation around worldview questions.

What I Believe: I believe God made the universe and everything in it, and He made it good. But humanity rebelled, chose our own way, and believed the lie that we could be our own gods, and thus ushered in to the world sin, pain, and death. Mercifully God loves us too much to leave us separated from Himself, so he planned the greatest rescue mission of all time in the life, death, and resurrection of His son, Jesus Christ, who put on flesh to offer us the free gift of salvation. I believe all who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved, and will receive the Holy Spirit who guides and helps us as we follow Christ. I believe the Bible is the true and authoritative story of God’s redemption of all of creation. And as children of God, we get to glorify and enjoy Him forever.